Step 10:
Dissemination The ethical passport, through an information system, has an important basis for the communication strategies of the products value even on remote markets, through all the tools of modern technology ("app", website).
In particular, the dissemination strategy includes: use of communication tools such as QR, videos, etc.; promotion of workshops; presentation of the ethical passport at conferences and sector events; organization of events focused on the initiative; networking activities; publication of articles in professional journals and press.The dissemination process is aimed at creating a dialogue with beneficiaries and stakeholders, as well as to widespread information concerning good practices put in place by companies.
The ethical passport, supported by many institutions and organizations will be present at EXPO 2015 and as a model for traditional products upgrading at the Polo Tecnologico Planet Nibiru.

The Ethical Passport
The video summarizes the main aspects on which the Ethical Passport is focused. This type of video could represent an important tool for the dissemination activities.

The Ethical Passport is communicated and disseminated through two important websites, Italian Food Art and DAQ Consortium.

Logo, tavole infografihe, videointerviste e videoemozionale sono stati realizza da ASKE NETWORK Brescia

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