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Step 1: Fast lane to the main idea
ethical passport. Quality with no limits widespread knowledge and real documentation

Step 2: Main innovation developed
Actually, consumers select products on the basis of expectations (which are uncertain and undocumented) regarding food quality and safety. In order to guide markets towards acquiring original products and consumers towards conscious choices, each product would be equipped with an electronic passport containing the actual documentation relating safety, quality, nutritional characteristics, company information and descriptors supporting the animals and plants health conditions, the conduction features, the values expressed in terms of bio-protection, water and energy savings, land protection, social behavior, tradition, religious and political beliefs respect, consumers protection, etc.
This can be seen as an important breakthrough as a single document allows transferring to markets and consumers information regarding not only the products nutritional quality and food safety standards, but also information relating the company values and ethical behavior.

Business identification
Companies are identified by a name and/or an operational headquarters, as well as by the unique code of breeding. Moreover, to be clearly visible also in a remote location companies are even presented by an aerial photography (acquired by a drone) of the structure, outbuildings and eventually the land on which they are located.

 Il drone Dji PHANTOM V2  utilizzato per la documentazione aerea delle aziende

Grana Padano cheese quality
When it was conceived, from the Mediterranean diet were excluded meat and milk products because of the saturated fat high content. The composition of the Grana Padano cheese today presents a elements profile potentially related to features that could make possible inserting it in the panel of the Mediterranean Diet products, for example, thanks to the acquired richness of unsaturated fat acids (> 33% of total fat acids).


Let's change the rules.
Interview with Paolo Boni, chiarmain of the De Alimentaria Qualitate Consortium (leader applicant), creator and manager of the Ethical Passport. Dr. Paolo Boni biefly presents the project idea.

The Ethical Passport & SOLAT
The video illustrates the meaning of the Ethical Passport applied to a real case, the SOLAT farm.

Registration Certificate
The acknowledgment of the Ethical Passport is illustrated by the European certificate of registration.

Step 3: Background and context

Micro-companies, which represent 80% of the Italian food industry, find difficult to supply Made in Italy products export because not adequately able to support products and document identity, quality and safety contents. Export of Made in Italy products is also affected by the system fragmentation formed by competing companies and a communication process not referring to real quality, but to labeling information often unnecessary or unverified, satisfying less than 10% of the potential demand of Made in Italy products. Thus, imitations market is being supplied heavily influencing international consumers, which are getting accustomed to misleading quality respect to original products (to international consumers inaccessible). Given these considerations, is necessary to reverse this trend and make consumers aware (and thus counteract imitations) promoting, enhancing and communicating on the market original products and their existing values which are actually not expressed.

Food security
The open environment in which the animals live can result in the nipples and udder contamination. To avoid a possible transfer of microorganisms from the skin to milk, nipples are treated before attacking the milking machine. The improvements in hygiene practices have resulted in a reduction of the milk bacterial load to a level lower than the limit for the marketed pasteurized milk (30,000 CFU/ ml).

Market –Italian product
Grana Padano cheese, the most popular PDO product in the world, is one of the Made in Italy expressions most imitated. Businesses compete in the global market with a cheese that, as far as produced in a traditional way, has achieved high levels of quality and uniformity.

Not suitable milk
It is not suitable for human consumption milk of animals that have just given birth (colostrum), affected by mastitis (breast infection), or undergoing therapies. The milk produced by animals in these situations is therefore separately and not delivered to the establishments that use milk.


SOLAT evidence

Interview with Giancarlo Corini, chiarman of the SOLAT farm operating in Leno (Bs). Mr. Corini illustrates briefly the main problem of the agrifood companies.

Actual scenario and solution
The document presents briefly the situation of the actual context, one of the 
main reasons that brought to the Ethical Passport initiative development.

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