Ethical Passport - Passaporto Etico
Progetto presentato al bando 'Buone pratiche di sviluppo sostenibile per la sicurezza alimentare' di
Actually, the Italian food industry is unable to meet the increasing demand for Made in Italy products for different reasons that result for the consumers in difficultly perceiving the real quality of the products, the sole able to guide them towards a conscious choice.

In this context, it is necessary to produce documentation able to guide markets and consumers’ selection and decisions. The ethical passport appears as an ideal instrument able to document the product and company values and enable consumers and markets to make conscious choices.
Furthermore, it is also a tool that, in a context of impartiality, accuracy and transparency, facilitates the products and companies entry on the global markets by producing further documentation than is required by the WTO-SPS agreement and bilateral international treaties.
The ethical passport is proposed as a tool for the local products valorisation at international level.


  Name Main activities Country
Lead applicant Consorzio De Alimentaria Qualitate
(Consorzio DAQ)
The Consortium has offers assistance and supports companies in the food industry throughout the supply chain, from primary production to administration, with the aim to integrate and coordinate the expertise, skills and knowledge by carrying out, for example on the basis of an annual program approved by the Steering Committee, activities such as the following: - Assistance and tests to verify pathogens; - Conducting tests for verification and determination of the products shelf life; - Controlling process standards; - Checking the pressure of environmental pathogens in the company and functionality elements; - Verification and documentation of the presence of pro-biotic populations in the product; - Documentation on how to secure home treatment of food; - Merchandise and nutritional profile of products; - Etc. Italy
Initiative partner National Federation of the Italian Veterinarians Orders
The Federation was instituted with the legislative decree of the temporary Head of State n.233 of 13 September 1946 and the Head of State decree n. 221 of 5 April 1946. The main activities and mission of the Federation consist in: • supervising at national level the preservation of the veterinary profession independence and dignity; • coordinate and promote the activities of the respective Orders; • promote and support at national level, all the initiatives that facilitate the cultural progress of the members; • appoint the Federation representatives towards commissions, national or interprovincial entities and organizations; • support central authorities regarding the development and application of measures and provisions that could interest the Orders; • give indications and guidelines for solving disputes regarding the public health sector, or between the health sector and private persons or entities to which the public sector has provided or is providing professional services, in relation to payments, costs and other issues. The Federation tries to bring to the dispute conciliation, or in the case of unsuccessful agree, it gives indications regarding the dispute; • exercising disciplinary authority respect to the Orders Governing Councils’ components. Italy
Initiative partner Province of Brescia Italian Farmers Confederation
(CIA Brescia)
Professional organization and agricultural trade union. Italy
Initiative partner National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises - Provincial Association of Brescia
The National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized enterprise was founded at national level in 1946 and constituted in Brescia in 1971. The Confederation associates, represents businesses and corporations craft, including consortia, cooperatives and members, small and medium-sized businesses and retirees members of CNA Retirees protecting their legitimate interests. It is an independent association representing the interests, self-entitled exclusively by its members, carrying out the principles of progress, democracy, free market supporting the special values of entrepreneurship at work, in collaboration, in solidarity. CNA achieves these objectives by relating directly with public institutions and with all the social, economic and political actors. The association participates to the challenges of industry and is committed to the national growth and harmonious development. CNA organizes more than 4.000 trade union members participating through "Unions" and "Clusters of Interest" established within the federal government. CNA represents craftsmanship in: CNEL, ICE, INPS, the National Council of Crafts, Artigiancassa, National Register of Builders, Transport Register, Register of Waste Management; in Committees and Working Groups of the Environment, Foreign Trade, Finance, Industry and Commerce, Labour and Social Security, Public Works Ministries. Italy
Initiative partner National Association Directors Wholesale Markets
The main activities of ANDMI concern the following: - promoting the role of agri-food and relative centers wholesale markets; - professional updating of Managers; - consultancy in the field of national and foreign agro-food wholesale markets; - Managers formation and training; - Publishing activities in partnership with institutional bodies; Cooperation with institutional bodies and protection bodies of the quality and food hygiene. Italy
Initiative partner Consortium for the protection of Nostrano Valtrompia cheese
(Consorzio Nostrano Valtrompia)
The main activity of the Consortium relates to the protection of the Nostrano Valtrompia cheese. Italy
Initiative partner Lombardy Region
Lombardy Region is a territorial entity endowed with statutory autonomy and with own legislative and administrative functions. The main principles that guide its activities and functions are: right to education, right to health care, right to employment and valorisation of the territory. With respect to the above mentioned principles regional competences are the following: • Administrative organization (dependent entities/institutions, local police, municipal jurisdictions); • Public services (social assistance, health care, professional and handicraft education, local museums and libraries, regional transport, internal navigation); • Economic development (tourism and hotel business, regional road network, regional public works, caves, pipelines, agriculture, handicraft, mineral and thermal water); • Environment and territory, urban planning, fauna protection, hunting and fishing, woodlands and flora, soli protection, fight against pollution. Italy
Initiative partner Consortium for the protection of Pecorino di Farindola cheese
(Pecorino di Farindola)
Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino di Farindola is a producers consortium for the protection, valorisation and commercialisation of the Pecorino di Farindola cheese. Italy
Initiative partner Comunità Montana Valle Trompia
(CM Valle Trompia)
Comunità Montana Valle Trompia is a local public body (Municipalities Union), thus it deals with typical functions and activities of such entities. Italy
Initiative partner Centrale del Latte di Brescia Co.
(Centrale del Latte)
Centrale del Latte main activiy concerns milk processing to produce dairy products (yogurt, mascarpone, fresh cream). Italy
Initiative partner Provincial Union of Farmers
The association represents the interests of single and associated farmers which are members of trade unions, economic sections, producer associations and cooperatives. It protects the interests of the companies, coordinates the activities of trade unions, representing farmers in the various entities connected to the agriculture sector. The association provides training and information and services in order to facilitate the work of its members in managing business. Italy
Initiative partner Luinese Cheese DOP Consortium
(Consorzio della Formaggella del Luinese DOP)
The Consortium main activity concerns the protection of the Luinese DOP cheese. Italy
Initiative partner Ambrosi Co.
The comnpany's main activity concerns dairy production, milk collecting and processing to produce Grana Padano DOP, spun curd, Parmigiano Reggiano, sorting and packaging grated Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Italy
Initiative partner Comunità Montana delle Valli dell’Ossola
Comunità Montana della Valli dell'Ossola deals with the following activities: - Holding and supervisioning of brands Bettelmatt and Capretto Duc Vigezzino. - Technical assistance, collaboration with farms and agricultural associations in the support to the productions development. Italy
Initiative partner Federconsumatori Brescia
Federconsumatori is an association created with the scope of defending and protecting consumer’s interests and rights respect to several entities such as public administration, company owners and against all forms of irregularities. The association mainly deals with bills, contracts, health protection and prevention, food security and quality, defective products, frauds. Italy
Paolo Boni

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